Wednesday 7 September 2016

Acceleration (Omega Ruby Wonderlock, In Prog)

A Certain Scientific Accelerator themed

With Brendan as Accelerator (Acclrt) and May as Misaka

Began the Experiment in full villain mode to raise the most powerful pokemon. Lorded it over Misaka for fun and mocked professor birch for being weak, forcing them acknowledge his greatness. Found scientists boring and helpful people annoying.

Ended up with transfemale decently levelled Combe, a strong looking Surskit, and 1-2 levied Ghastly, Riolu, Kangaskhan and Wurmple. Wurmple would slay other wurmples and later lvl 2 zigzagoona grow up all by itself into a Cascoon.

Riolu died against a Hikers Geodude's rollout getting a critical hit (only hope.).Trained slightly but the more I went over ten the worst disobeyed.

Went against Roxanne. Very difficult and has to use tons of potions. Managed to reduce Geodudes rock tombs pp to zero with Kangaskhan and Dustox managed to beat it with confusion. Nose pass very had, planned to wear down rock tomb and use ghastly but ended up fighting long grinding match against it. Lost Combee to it and began nearly died.

(Ghastly 14 - Dustox 14 - Bagon 12 - Kangaskhan 14 - Sirskit)

Went ahead and traded for more. Ended with a Ralts and several ghost types. Trained them up and defiantly brawley somewhat easily (makuhita's knock off was annoying.)

(Rants 14 - Dustox 15  = Honed 14 - Kangaskhan 15 - Ghastly 16 - Spiritomb 14))

Went ahead, trained up entire team and levelled up ghastly to haunted and altered team to do better against Watson. His Magneton really hard but beat it with Shroomish egg Focus Punch and didn't lose anyone.

(Bagon 23 - Haunter 23 (Spectrum) - Spiritomb 22 - Shroomish 23 (Korean) - Kangaskhan 23 - Lombre 22)

Trained up Fletchinder and Oshawa as newish. Against Maxie switch around a lot between Mightyena and Golbat due to confusion due to swagger and confuse ray. Oshawott crushed Camerupt with Shell Cut

(Spiritomb 27 = Bagon 26 - Fletchinder 27 - Lombre 23 - Kangaskhan 27 - Dewott 26)

Haunter died against gainers hariyama's knock out. Lombtre died against trainers meditates fire punch. Trained up and evolved Bagon. Fleticnder beat Slugma. Torkoal stanked camerupt, set up multiple cursed but Dewitt beat with air cutters and flinch has and shell cutter OKHOed Numel.

( Fletchinder 30 =  Kangkahn 28 = Sheldon 30 = Spiritomb 30 = Dewitt 30 = Frillish 30)

Kangskhan fainted to a normal trainers Zangoose HC + Critical Slash. Beat Normal with Breelom beating Slaking with Focus Punch when not doing anything ; Dewot beat Vigoroth with revenge ; spiritomb beat final slaking after a long battle with hypnosis dream eater.

(Breeloom 27 - Honedge 31 - Shelgon 31 - Spiritomb 32 - Fletchinder 32 - Dewot 33)

Went onwards. Replaced Kangaskhan with Snorlax. Shelgon died after a Carvanah swaggered it, it hit itself and it got ice fanged. Honededge, Dewott and Fletchindrer all evolved.

Winona: Snorlax OKHOed Swellow, Altaria cotton garden so switched to Slupruff with draining kiss, and syphoned it to death. Tanflome with roost and flame charge beat skarmory ; Spiritomb beat Pelter

(Snorlax 36 - Samurott 36 - Talonflame 37 - Spiritomb 36 - Doublade 36 - Slurpuff 36)

Explored Sea Routes and got tons of mons. Tried training a bunch of them up to get a Garchomp with Exp share. Went from beginning to desert, but didn't bring a fully levelled mon and ran into a trainer wth Sandslash who koed everyone/

Beated Lisa and Tate usjgn Snorlax with pursuit, Doublade and Spiritomb.

(Snorlax 41 - Samurott =  41- Spiritomb 43 -  Splurpuff 40 - Doublade 42 - Talonflame 41, box Fungoos 43)

Maxie, Talonflame beat Mighyena, Spiritomb beat wheezing+crobat via hypnosis+ dream eater +shadow ball, Snorlax beat Megacamerupt via EQ.

Primordial groundon ridiculous tough and one earthquake brough Snorlax to red. Used a level 49 Crobat with acrobatics to win. Saved the world

(Wallace: Fungous 47 - Samurott 44 - Croat 49 - Snorlax 44 - Spiritomb 46 - Slurpuff 44 :Talnflame 43 - Doublade 44)

Snorlax died to Victory Road trainer's Rhyperiors brick break. Amungus died to something knowing a tm move. Trained up mega gyarados as replacement and levelled team to 58.

Sydney: Slurpuff sent out first vs mightyena, belly drummed then healing itemed with SP Play Rough  OKing entire team except cacturne who spikes shielded so for safety switched to talonflame.

Phoebe: opened with Spirtomb,got confused rayed, switched ti Doublade to beat the Dusclops. Got cursed, won, she sent out sableye, switched to Slurpuff, OKHed with Play Rought. Thief OHKOed Bannet. Banney B c-rayed SP, switched to Gyarados who took it out but got W'O'W.  Dusknoir made me switched out to Spiritomb and won with W'O'W and shadow ball.

Glalie: opened with TF. FLARE BLITZ OKHOed Glalie so sent out Walden. Shifted to Samurot and Grass Knot OKHOED. Sammurot outsped Frosslass but forced out due to hail, ice body shadow balls and full restores. Sent out Spiritomb who calm minded then Shadow Ball to OKHO both Frosslasse. Glalie use protect and crited worn spiritomb so shifted to doublade and finished off with sacred sword.

Drake: decided to start off with ice fang dragon dance M-Gyarados. Got off a DD then Ice Fanged Altaria IF OKHOed Flagon, Salamence and Flagon 2. Cruch 2HKOed Kingdra.

Steven: Decide to lead with Talonflame and give it a Sitrus Berry (as no need Acrobatics. Skarmory toxied TF but BB + burn managed to KOed it first turn. Sent out Angron so sent out Samurott. Antron had sturdy + full restores but single Scald brought to red and outsped so won. Sent out crudily and shifted to otherwise useless slupuff. Sludge Bomb red so sifted to Doubledge who outsped and finished off with iron head. Sent out Claydoll and forced out and set up screens. So sent out Spiritomb and set up 6 Calm Minds and won. Arnaldo outspeed brough to red and survived so withdrew and sent out samurot. Sent to M-Metagross so withdrew and sent out Gyarados and he missed. Stupidly used Meteor Mass, both brough other to red buy Gyaradis outspeed (used Giga Impact.)

Curb stomped May. Ended up Doublade and Talonfalem 59, Rest Sixty. No pokemon died.

Team for Elite Four: Slurpuff 58 - Gyarados 58 - Samurott 58 - Talonflame 58 - Spirtomb 48 -Dobulade)

Wallace: Spiritomb beat Warlord, healed and beat tentacruel;  weakened Milotic threatened it so switched to Samurot and Grass Knotted it to win ; sent out ludicolo, risk Talonflame and survived energy ball switching in a Acrobatics OKHOed; sent out Gyarados so switch to mine, Mega Evolved, DDed and OHKOed, then crushed Barboach.

Route/Capture List

Combe 7 (starter, Male)

R101: Surskit 7 (Poochyena)
R103: Wurmple 2 (Poochyena
R102: Ghastly 1 (Poochyena)
R104: Riolu 1 (Wurmple)
Petalburg Woods: Kangaskan 1 (Shroomish)
R116:  Magikarp (Zizagoon)
Verdanurf  Tunnel: Bagon (Whisper)
R115: Lotad (MagicCarp)
Dewford City: Spiritomb (Magicarp)
R107: Trevenant 25 (Magicarp)
R106: Ralts  (Magicarp)
Granite Cave: Honed (Mukhahita)
(Petal burg CIiy): Frillish 20 (Magicarp)
R109: Volbeat (Tentacool)
Slate port City: Shroomish (Magicarp)
R110 Fletching (Eletrike)
R111: Eletrike (Golden)
R118 : Shuppet (Tentacool)
R117; Oshawot (Rosalie)
Fiery Path: Corsola (Nume)Golbi
R112 Swirlix (Numel)
R113:Luvdisc (Sandshrew)
R114: Drowse (Swablue)
Meteor Falls: Sandshrew (Zubay)
Jagged Path: Sableye (Numel)
Lavarisge Town: Zizagoon (Wynaut)
Desert: Eevee (Cacnea)
Rosburo: SHINY GIRATINA!!!!!! 96 (Lileep)
Event: Snorlax (Latias)
Route 119: Rosalia (Oddish)
Gift: Poochyena (Castform)
Route 120: Cleffa (Oddish)
New Mauville: Magby (Magnemite)
Route 121: Froackie (linoone)
Route 122: Failed
Route 120: Fungus (Shuppet)
Mount Pyre: Pansear (Shuppet)
Safari Zone: Hippotomas (Psyhduck)
Lilycove City: Swepa  (Magikarp)
MagmaBase:  Tangela (Electrode)
R124: Tailow (Tentacool)
R125:  Claydoll (Pelliper)
Shoal Cave: Flabe(Sealeo)
R127: Golbat (Pelliper)
R126: Dodou  (Tentacool)
R128: Anorith (Magicarp)
R129: Weepinbell (Pelliper)
R130: Meditite (Pelliper)
R131: Gible (Pelliper)
Pacific lodge: Minum (Tentacool)
R132: Feniken (Pelliper)
Evergrande: Tentacool (Luvdisc)
Mosseep: Absol (tentacool)
R133: Pansage (tentacool)
R134: Missed
R108: Dweeble (Magtikarp)
Sea Manville: Illumise (Magicarp)
R105: Spheal (Magicarp)
Seafloor Cavern: Oddish (Golbat)
Sootpolis:Weedle (magi carp)
Cave of Origin:  Relicanth(Maile)
Mirage Isle: Carrcosta (Dolphin)
Soaring Sky: Loudred (Pelliper)
Victory Road: Charmander (Hariyama)

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