Monday 24 October 2016



First packed smugglers copter, second picked passed a (toolcraft exemplar). Ended up going WR aggro. Went 2-0 three times and first picked the smugglers copter.

First match vs WB deck with chief of the founder on the draw. Got off thriving grubs into brazen scourge against a 1B can't block. Revoked it privilege, let it wear him down and board stall and killed with smugglers co-opter + Propeller Pioneer + Inventors googles. Second game faster and closer due to loosing a TC into Grub to a Chandras spell (1b 2 damage divided), wore down and came back with Gearhulk into a Weldfast Montor.

Second Match UR flyers on draw first game. First game rushed quickly using combat tricks and revoke privilege to negate walls and sneak past the skywhale in the air. Second game came to racing with flyers versus ground creatures that could punch through blockers. Narrowly won with removal and having slightly more creatures than him.

Last match BG. Went first first game. Both games got off to a quick start, went long, lost multiple creature to the -2/-2 and eventually won with a vehicle. He had the Caravan Vehicle second game but hand the barge.

9 mountains
7 Plains

1 Toolcraft Exemplar
3  Thriving Grubs
1 Eager Construct
2 Weldfast Monitor
2 Herald of the Fair
1 Glint-Sleeve Artisan
1 Brazen Scourge
1 Iron League Steed
2 Spontaneous Artist
1 Propeller Pioneer
1 Catacyclismic Gearhuld

1 Smugglers Copter
1 Bomar Baazar Barge
1 Fragmentize
2 Built to Last
2 Revoke Privilege
1 Inventors Googles

1. Fragmentise (sideboard in against WB due to Chief of the Foundry.)
1. Terror the Fairgrounds (sideboard in for Fragmentise vs. BG as few artifacts.)

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