Friday 18 November 2016

Pokemon Sun 1st Run: Blake (RWBY flavour)

I decide for my first run to play as Blake Belladonna for RWBY.

Fled to Alola to escape persecution after former days as a Team Plasma grunt into Unova.

Does not have a pokemon or plan to have one as thinks its wrong. Dislike Rokruffs.

Then ran into a girl named Lillie. She needed help and shared idealism over mistreating/using pokemon as tools. In dnagered and rescued by (Tepu Koko). Trusted Lillie as she seemed to have a bigger secret than me in Nebby. Though Lillie met Professor Kakui and ended up with Litten

Litten wants to be champion and took the quest on his behalf. (High Royalty).

Disliked Hau love of battling as violent, even though (High Royalty) loves it. Won using Team Plasma skills.

Lillie more pro-technocracy that I am, although MisakaMikoto is also.

Totem Rattizzate; MisakaMikoto got off a mud slap on totem ratticate, Alice weakened the helper to red and (High Royalty) killed it and evaded enough attacks to win.

Verdant Trial (24 pokemon pokedex): MisakaMikoto 12 (Grubbin); High Royalty 14 (Litten); Alice 12 (A-Meowth); Petra 11 (A-Rattata); DonaldTrump 14 (Yungoose)

†he Route 3 trained with Mega Draining Petili was a bomb. And Oricori calling a second Oricori annoying.

Lost to Kahuna Hala first time due to massive fighting weakness and not using berries. Sow int back trained High Royalty until evolved. Rematched with both MisakaMikoto and (High Royaty) at 17. MM beat both Makuhita and Mankey with spark paralyses has and resisted fighting, (High Royalty) finessed off the Crabrawler than MM weakened. (Pokedex: 32 )

Next Island early on ran into Trained with Carbink and full restored. Devastating early with sharpen to boost attacks, massive defences and no weaknesses. Took out most of team and narrowly beaten by Meowth who then evolved in A-Persian

Alicia beat Type Null by seating up Echoed Voiced on ()'s Zubat. Wild Psyducks summoning each other surprisingly hard and MisakaMikoto evolved here. (Against totem Washiwashi used Yungoose sand attacks, mudbray got off a Bulldoze and MisakaMikoto managed to beat the totem due to it missing most attacks ; MM 21, Pokedex 52)

(Magi carp calling for help can call underleveled Gyarados)

Fire trial. Took age to guess hidden hiker as couldn't see the screen. (Persian) weakened Sazzle and WashiWashi finished it off (pokedex 63; 22 Mudbray, MisakaMikoto 24; Persian 23 ; High Royalty 223 ; Wishiwashi 22)

Rock: MisakaMikoto almost beat Nosepath with both heavy damage but lost, Alicia sent out but with t-wave and full restore Nosepass won the long game narrowly, (High Royalty) finished it off but sent out Lykranroc and OHKOed with Z-Move. But without Nosepass or Z-Move, (Wishiwashi) holding sitrus berry crushed Lykanroc and Boldore. (Pokedex 72: MM 26 ; HR 26 ; A 25 ; WW 28)

Electric trial terrifying. Only won due to artificial stupidity and with every mon wearing down Vikavolt with last remaining Wishiwashi finnishing it off. (POkedex 79 : 30 High Royalty - 30 Miska Mikoto - 31 Wishiwashi - Alice 29 )

Lost Mimikyu trail. Went back to catch more mons and level up High Royalty evolved. Retired and eventually won with WW after losing rest of team.

(leader - WW beat Clefable, Mm beat Lilligant ; Alice beat Mismaguis,  Mimikyu beat beware (no healing move), healed MM and beat Milotic after getting it use up hydro pump evs.

(Mimikyu trial: poked 93; MM 33, Alice 33, (High Royalty) 34, WW 34)


Bonded with Lillie going to Aether Paradise. Lillie gave Blake a personal motivation and goal of protecting them.

Hap really though. Lost first time, trained up a bit and tm (catching pokemon) but still lost due to Black Annis and MisakaMikoto lacking good attacks and (HighRoyalty) fragile. Rematched with Healing Items and trained Fylgon as sixth, Flygon beat Dugtrio,  Mimikyu+Persian beat Flagon, WW beat Mudsdale and healed up to beat Gastrodon ((144 Pokedex) HR 45 - MM 44 - Black Annis 44 - Kaydia 45 - WW 46)

MM evolved. Kaydia single handily beat Totem-Komm-o  (Pokedex 152: Kaydia 47 - High Royalty 47 - MM 46 - Black Annis 47 - WW 48)

Rematch (Mum): Cleffable beat MM, dire hit Kaydia and took it out with critical hits Shadowball, Kaydia beat Mismagius on low health. Sent out Litigant, withdrew (High Royalty) who weakened and burned it but lost due to Teeter Dancer + Leech Seed.  Sent out training Sluggo and traded. Sent out WW and Milotic, WW brough it low but wanted. Kaydia finished off Milotic then beat Beware as it lacked move to hit ghosts.


Hala: Kaydia beat Hariyama ; damaged Crabominable who ice-hammered it; high royalty missed ohkoed by Z-Power; MM outspeed and beat, Primape sent out and critical cited outrage to 2KHO, surviving on low health; Dark Annis finished off, beware beat DA and closely beat WW, lost to PrincessLuna who finished off Bewear and Poliwrarth.

Olivia: Relicanth yawned Kaydia, switched MM into a Hydrop Pump, got yawned and discharge OKHOed, sent out Lycanroc and Rock Wrecker finished off MM easily. sent out High Royalty, stone edged missed and Malicious Moonsault damaged, she full restored and low speeded to outspeed and W'O'W hit, LSed to low health but hit SE and Counter to defeat, sent out XYZ Material who outspeed due to LS's and brine finished off (wasting full restores) --- Sent out golem, Quick Claw Brine brought to each to yellow health, Golem outspeed next turn to finnish off, sent out Black Annis and DP finished off ; sent out Carbine so switched to Kaydia and set up bulk ups, taking MB and Reflects the Pain Split to heal and closely beat; sent out Probopass, SC brough to low green, full restored and closely beat.

Acerola: sent out sableye and I sent out kaydia, outspeed and Play Rough OKHOed; sent out Dhelmise, outspeed 2KHOed with shadow claw losing only disguise - Frosslass outspeed confuse rayed and OHKOed - Pollosand, hurt self and Z-Power OKHOed, High Royalty and Z-Powered Malicious Moonsalt and critical hit koed - High Royalty outspeed and 2HKOed drifblim with Dark Lariatl.

Kahili: sent out skarmory, switch kaydia for HR, set up spikes, sturdy survived fire blast so low speeded to outspeed then fire blasted to finished off = Mandibuzz outspeed and brave birded HR, Wo'Wed then low swept, was flattered so fire blasted, she full restored so I max optioned, reburned, reflattered and won; -- Toucanon so Z-Powered with High Royalty but outspeed OHKOed with Toucanon's z-power, sent out MM and Discharged OKHoed through beak heat -- Oricorio red-black outspeed OHKOed MM with Revelation Dance, sent out BA and DPed, outspeed and teeter dance but Power Gem go through and OHKoed -- Crobat outspeed, air slash flinched and 2KHP Black Annis, sent out XYZ Material, got confused but ice bean got through and brought to red and finished off.

Kakui: Lycanroc v Kaydoa, sent up stealth rocks and broke the disguise while bulked up and brough to yellow with attack; withdrew to magnezone, so withdrew to (High Royalty), survived flash cannon,   fire blast missed to full restored and z-moved Malicious Moonsault but survived on red and finished off, sent persian but withdrew for Nineties -- withdrew for WW,  brough to yellow before dying with as bulldoze, sent out Kaydia who outspeed and Play rough OKOed -- sent out Magzeno and Kaydia finished off with shadow claw -- Braviary, whirled out to MM and outspeed discharged OHKOed - sent out Lycanroc, withdrew to Black Annis, survived stone edge but outspeed and died, outspeed and killed Kaydia so sent out nightmare moon who outspeed and died to crunch killed Mm so lost
(reset; gave PrincessLuna a dark reduce berry and put XYZ material in front of party):
1. (XYZ Material vs Lycanroc, set up stealth roc and OKHOed by Brine) ;
2/ (Magnezone vs XYZ) hydro pump took half, Magnezone t-wave, shifted to (High Royalty) and finished off with Fire Blast t-bolt reduce to red;
3. (Snorlax vs. High Royalty), outspeed and Z-Move Malicious Moonsalt brought to yellow, finished off, sent out Kaydia, full restored, pain split, play rough just finished it off.
4. (Kaydia vs. Braviary) , outsped and 2khoed with no play rough pp and Kadia.  Sent out Black Annis, outspeed and power gem brought to red, whirlwinded stuff around and full restored and died to BA power gem and XYZ-M Ice Beam.
5. Primarina vs XYZ: brought to red health with one moon blast but endeavor reduced to the same amount.  Full Restored, I used endeavour, wasted z-move on red untransformed XYZ. Sent out BA, outspeed but survived (via focus item?) and moon blasted. (Though MM would be outspeed so set up agility when fasted and aria OKHOed.). PrincessLuna outspeed and killed.
6. (Princess Luna vs Ninetails), outspeed and 2HKOed
(mistakes, forgot Bulldoze to learn Hydro Pump when needed for Magneton, Misaka using agility.)
(Pokedex 196: XYZ Material 54 - Black Annis 53 - MM 53 - High Royalty 54 - Kaydia 54 - PrincessLuna 55)

Snuck out with Lily. Then caught Tapu Koko


(HR) beat Alakazam (missed focus blast) and Weevile.  (Kaydia, Black Annis and MM) took to take down Mismagius. Salamanca beat MM, but XYZ Material Ice beamed, then beat snorlax using endeavor and bulldoze;

Completed pokedex by self , only trading for version exclusives, oneoffs and castform.


High Royalty (Icenroar) @ Incinium Z
- Darkest Lariat
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage
- Low Sweep
(Lv 65: Hp 212 = Atk 180 = Def 140 = SpA 109 = Sp Def 123 = Spd 140)
Max attack and speed. Alert to sounds. Grew up in laboratory. Wants to be the best champion and Blake thinks only because indoctrinate. Hit likes tank but poor coverage and fighting hurts it a lot. Pokeball.

MisakaMikoto (Vikavolt) @ Focus Band/Sash
- Discharge
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Agility
(lvl 65: Hp 180 = Atk 107 = Def 122 = SpA 248 = SpDef 109 = Spd 132)
-Max speed and special attack. Somewhat of a clown. likes humanitys and cynical about pokemon in the wild due to growing up there. Surprisingly good early game. Poke ball.

Black Annis (Alolan Persian) @ Life Orb
Fur Coar
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Power Gem
- Earthquake
(lvl 65: Hp 170 - Atk 101 - Def 106 - SpA 159 - SpDef 103 - Speed 191)
-Max SpA. ruthless. Quick to flee. Doesn't hit that hard and pretty frail. Pokeball.

XYZ Material (Wishiwashi) @ Quick Claw
- Hydro Pump
- Ice beam
- Endeavor
- Rest
(Lvl 65 (N): Hp 192  = Atk 35 =  Def 45 - SpA 90 - SpDef 76 = Spd 70)
(Lvl 65 (S): HP 192 =  Atk 175 =  Def 188 - SpA 240 - SpDef 200 = Spd 56)
Strong Willed. Max Hp and SPA. Also a nuke. Brooklet hill. Net ball (?, green)

Kaydia (Mimikyu) @ Wide lens
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Pain Split
- Will-O-Wisp
(Lvl 65: Hp 147 =  Atk 183 = Def 129 = SpA 63 = SpDef 158 = Spd 187)
Likes to thrash about. Max Atk and Speed. Luxury Ball.

PrincessLuna (Lunala) @ Leftovers
Shadow Shield
- Moongeist Beam
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Psychic
(Lvl 65: Hp 261 = Atk 172 = Def 140 = SpA 244  = SpDef 155  = Spd 186.)
Mischievous. Frail to ghost. Max Speed Evs. Timer Ball.

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