Thursday 7 June 2012

Exercise 10: Evaluation of Newtown Library

Netown Library uses basic 2.0 technology. The Newtown library website is simple but effect subsection of the City of Sydney goverment page. The library can searched online by limiting an OPAC library network search to newtown. There are a number of online services such as renewing items online, writing reviews for and rating items online and suggest books for the library.

Netwotn Library has a series of computers available for public use. These include computers restricted to searching the library catelogue as well as ordinary computers that must be reserved in advance. The Library has free wifi for people who bring own electronics.

Newton Library has children's area that has cushions to sit on, a small table and nearby shelf with a number of picture books. Next to it are ordinary library shelves filled with books for slightly older children with a comic section and as one moves away from the area the shelves content ages up to the teenage/youth section before becoming the fiction section. Website mentions toys than can be borrowed availible at another location. Section is fairly detailed and regualar story-telling sessions are scheduled.

One of the shelves leading to the ordinary fiction collection is the Teenage/Youth collection. This sections feature increasingly lengthier and more complex works. Like the childrens section has comic section as well as audiovisiual materials.

Fiction is the largest section of the library and the most detailed with a large number of books by a great deal of authors. Can be searched and reviewed by online library tools mention above. DVD's and comics also present here. This section is probably the largest as the most interesting to the client base. On a related note Newtown library hosts a computer skills group to teach adults computer literacy.

The reference section is miniscule. Near computers and tables and opposite magazines.

Local studies information is not available at the library but the links to find it are available on the library website. Government supported and provides information of the buildings where records can be obtained.

Little 2.0 as a branch library and not that large. It is for these reasons I assume that the reference section is so small and that it uses so little 2.0 system. I believe the only reason it uses any 2.0 is part of standardisation within the city of sydney library user system as most of the 2.0 features are part of an interlibrary catelogue. It is for these reasons I believe these are the reasons Newtown library uses a limited amount of library 2.0 technology.

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