Sunday 10 June 2012

Exercise 11: Library 2.0 Recomondations for Newtown Library about Library 2.0

 Give specific examples from other best practice libraries worldwide.  Provide links to all these examples.  Again use the following 5 categories to discuss in your response - Local Studies, Children’s, Teenage/Youth, Adult Fiction, Information/Reference. Make certain you label your post, this post will require multiple labels.

There are several possible general options that Newtown Library can carry out to improve itself. The first of these is to get a physical suggestions box for the library. Get a online messasing system so library users  can interact with librarians in real time. A third option is to interact with them online to plan future changes.

For Local studies the Library should set up an area with copies of some key documents that would be of use to local study making them available in the library. This would allow library users to research them onsite. The library should also considering making clients aware of these resources and providing an interlibrary loans system for them

For children the library could borrow the toys directly then let children use them directly in the library and continually returning and burrowing new ones the selection can be kept interesting an new. This can be combined with either a recommendations system to keep interesting toys at the library or a type of 
interlibrary loans system for toys. 

Teenage/Youth would be a critical demographic for library 2.0. Providing the option of timetabling study sessions is a potential way of using library 2.0 to deal with students. Other options would be to make the library databases more customisable by providing users with further options such as allowing a range of colour schemes and page layouts or allowing users to simply browse libraries and sections without forcing them to use search terms to limit the search.

For fictional works aimed at adults a similar general approach to the teen/youth demographic would be appropriate. The library would focus on increasing options such as by setting up a general suggestion box and setting up an increased online presence with twitter rooms, a blog, making on client-library communication easier and reforming the library site navigation options. 

The best way to use library 2.0 to assist with information and reference sources is to focus on providing access to virtual sources. Examples of this would access to electronic databases, podcasts, blogs  and other online sources. This would provide the library with addition reference sources without inconviencing other libraries in the network or using to much space.

There are a number of 2.0 tools that Newtown library can 

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