Thursday 7 June 2012

Exercise 9: Community Profile of Marrickville - This is the website of the Marrickville Council. It includes the suburb of Enmore which is where I live. - This the website of the various public libraries that are run by the Marrickville Council.

Marrickville area contains 71,812 resides with 36,308 females and 35,504 males.

Marrickville has below average residents per building count by Sydney standards.

Average resident 35 years of age which is normal for sydney. However it has fewer young people (5-19) than is common for sydney.  The average residents income is higher than the average sydney residents income, with individuals earnig $150 more on average while families earn $110 more that average. The average rent rates are the same as the rest of sydney while the Mortgages are $150 higher.

The population decreased by 1.8% between 2001 and 2006. During this time period the number of 15-29 and 60-89's year olds declined while the number of 0-4 year olds, 35-39 year olds and 55-59 year olds increased.

In 2006 Generation X, was the largest generation consisting of 33% of of the population of Marrickville. Generation Y made up 24% of the population and was the second largest group consisting of 16,004 individuals. Meanwhile Baby-boomersm made up the third largest generation in 2006 with 13,288 residents (20% of the population)

Because of this Marrickville should aim itself at middle aged (35-39) and 55-59 year olds with consideration for the very young (0-4) and senior citizens. As there are slightly more women than men attention to be focused on providing works interesting to women.

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