Friday 18 November 2016

Pokemon Sun 1st Run: Blake (RWBY flavour)

I decide for my first run to play as Blake Belladonna for RWBY.

Fled to Alola to escape persecution after former days as a Team Plasma grunt into Unova.

Does not have a pokemon or plan to have one as thinks its wrong. Dislike Rokruffs.

Then ran into a girl named Lillie. She needed help and shared idealism over mistreating/using pokemon as tools. In dnagered and rescued by (Tepu Koko). Trusted Lillie as she seemed to have a bigger secret than me in Nebby. Though Lillie met Professor Kakui and ended up with Litten

Litten wants to be champion and took the quest on his behalf. (High Royalty).

Disliked Hau love of battling as violent, even though (High Royalty) loves it. Won using Team Plasma skills.

Lillie more pro-technocracy that I am, although MisakaMikoto is also.

Totem Rattizzate; MisakaMikoto got off a mud slap on totem ratticate, Alice weakened the helper to red and (High Royalty) killed it and evaded enough attacks to win.

Verdant Trial (24 pokemon pokedex): MisakaMikoto 12 (Grubbin); High Royalty 14 (Litten); Alice 12 (A-Meowth); Petra 11 (A-Rattata); DonaldTrump 14 (Yungoose)

†he Route 3 trained with Mega Draining Petili was a bomb. And Oricori calling a second Oricori annoying.

Lost to Kahuna Hala first time due to massive fighting weakness and not using berries. Sow int back trained High Royalty until evolved. Rematched with both MisakaMikoto and (High Royaty) at 17. MM beat both Makuhita and Mankey with spark paralyses has and resisted fighting, (High Royalty) finessed off the Crabrawler than MM weakened. (Pokedex: 32 )

Next Island early on ran into Trained with Carbink and full restored. Devastating early with sharpen to boost attacks, massive defences and no weaknesses. Took out most of team and narrowly beaten by Meowth who then evolved in A-Persian

Alicia beat Type Null by seating up Echoed Voiced on ()'s Zubat. Wild Psyducks summoning each other surprisingly hard and MisakaMikoto evolved here. (Against totem Washiwashi used Yungoose sand attacks, mudbray got off a Bulldoze and MisakaMikoto managed to beat the totem due to it missing most attacks ; MM 21, Pokedex 52)

(Magi carp calling for help can call underleveled Gyarados)

Fire trial. Took age to guess hidden hiker as couldn't see the screen. (Persian) weakened Sazzle and WashiWashi finished it off (pokedex 63; 22 Mudbray, MisakaMikoto 24; Persian 23 ; High Royalty 223 ; Wishiwashi 22)

Rock: MisakaMikoto almost beat Nosepath with both heavy damage but lost, Alicia sent out but with t-wave and full restore Nosepass won the long game narrowly, (High Royalty) finished it off but sent out Lykranroc and OHKOed with Z-Move. But without Nosepass or Z-Move, (Wishiwashi) holding sitrus berry crushed Lykanroc and Boldore. (Pokedex 72: MM 26 ; HR 26 ; A 25 ; WW 28)

Electric trial terrifying. Only won due to artificial stupidity and with every mon wearing down Vikavolt with last remaining Wishiwashi finnishing it off. (POkedex 79 : 30 High Royalty - 30 Miska Mikoto - 31 Wishiwashi - Alice 29 )

Lost Mimikyu trail. Went back to catch more mons and level up High Royalty evolved. Retired and eventually won with WW after losing rest of team.

(leader - WW beat Clefable, Mm beat Lilligant ; Alice beat Mismaguis,  Mimikyu beat beware (no healing move), healed MM and beat Milotic after getting it use up hydro pump evs.

(Mimikyu trial: poked 93; MM 33, Alice 33, (High Royalty) 34, WW 34)


Bonded with Lillie going to Aether Paradise. Lillie gave Blake a personal motivation and goal of protecting them.

Hap really though. Lost first time, trained up a bit and tm (catching pokemon) but still lost due to Black Annis and MisakaMikoto lacking good attacks and (HighRoyalty) fragile. Rematched with Healing Items and trained Fylgon as sixth, Flygon beat Dugtrio,  Mimikyu+Persian beat Flagon, WW beat Mudsdale and healed up to beat Gastrodon ((144 Pokedex) HR 45 - MM 44 - Black Annis 44 - Kaydia 45 - WW 46)

MM evolved. Kaydia single handily beat Totem-Komm-o  (Pokedex 152: Kaydia 47 - High Royalty 47 - MM 46 - Black Annis 47 - WW 48)

Rematch (Mum): Cleffable beat MM, dire hit Kaydia and took it out with critical hits Shadowball, Kaydia beat Mismagius on low health. Sent out Litigant, withdrew (High Royalty) who weakened and burned it but lost due to Teeter Dancer + Leech Seed.  Sent out training Sluggo and traded. Sent out WW and Milotic, WW brough it low but wanted. Kaydia finished off Milotic then beat Beware as it lacked move to hit ghosts.


Hala: Kaydia beat Hariyama ; damaged Crabominable who ice-hammered it; high royalty missed ohkoed by Z-Power; MM outspeed and beat, Primape sent out and critical cited outrage to 2KHO, surviving on low health; Dark Annis finished off, beware beat DA and closely beat WW, lost to PrincessLuna who finished off Bewear and Poliwrarth.

Olivia: Relicanth yawned Kaydia, switched MM into a Hydrop Pump, got yawned and discharge OKHOed, sent out Lycanroc and Rock Wrecker finished off MM easily. sent out High Royalty, stone edged missed and Malicious Moonsault damaged, she full restored and low speeded to outspeed and W'O'W hit, LSed to low health but hit SE and Counter to defeat, sent out XYZ Material who outspeed due to LS's and brine finished off (wasting full restores) --- Sent out golem, Quick Claw Brine brought to each to yellow health, Golem outspeed next turn to finnish off, sent out Black Annis and DP finished off ; sent out Carbine so switched to Kaydia and set up bulk ups, taking MB and Reflects the Pain Split to heal and closely beat; sent out Probopass, SC brough to low green, full restored and closely beat.

Acerola: sent out sableye and I sent out kaydia, outspeed and Play Rough OKHOed; sent out Dhelmise, outspeed 2KHOed with shadow claw losing only disguise - Frosslass outspeed confuse rayed and OHKOed - Pollosand, hurt self and Z-Power OKHOed, High Royalty and Z-Powered Malicious Moonsalt and critical hit koed - High Royalty outspeed and 2HKOed drifblim with Dark Lariatl.

Kahili: sent out skarmory, switch kaydia for HR, set up spikes, sturdy survived fire blast so low speeded to outspeed then fire blasted to finished off = Mandibuzz outspeed and brave birded HR, Wo'Wed then low swept, was flattered so fire blasted, she full restored so I max optioned, reburned, reflattered and won; -- Toucanon so Z-Powered with High Royalty but outspeed OHKOed with Toucanon's z-power, sent out MM and Discharged OKHoed through beak heat -- Oricorio red-black outspeed OHKOed MM with Revelation Dance, sent out BA and DPed, outspeed and teeter dance but Power Gem go through and OHKoed -- Crobat outspeed, air slash flinched and 2KHP Black Annis, sent out XYZ Material, got confused but ice bean got through and brought to red and finished off.

Kakui: Lycanroc v Kaydoa, sent up stealth rocks and broke the disguise while bulked up and brough to yellow with attack; withdrew to magnezone, so withdrew to (High Royalty), survived flash cannon,   fire blast missed to full restored and z-moved Malicious Moonsault but survived on red and finished off, sent persian but withdrew for Nineties -- withdrew for WW,  brough to yellow before dying with as bulldoze, sent out Kaydia who outspeed and Play rough OKOed -- sent out Magzeno and Kaydia finished off with shadow claw -- Braviary, whirled out to MM and outspeed discharged OHKOed - sent out Lycanroc, withdrew to Black Annis, survived stone edge but outspeed and died, outspeed and killed Kaydia so sent out nightmare moon who outspeed and died to crunch killed Mm so lost
(reset; gave PrincessLuna a dark reduce berry and put XYZ material in front of party):
1. (XYZ Material vs Lycanroc, set up stealth roc and OKHOed by Brine) ;
2/ (Magnezone vs XYZ) hydro pump took half, Magnezone t-wave, shifted to (High Royalty) and finished off with Fire Blast t-bolt reduce to red;
3. (Snorlax vs. High Royalty), outspeed and Z-Move Malicious Moonsalt brought to yellow, finished off, sent out Kaydia, full restored, pain split, play rough just finished it off.
4. (Kaydia vs. Braviary) , outsped and 2khoed with no play rough pp and Kadia.  Sent out Black Annis, outspeed and power gem brought to red, whirlwinded stuff around and full restored and died to BA power gem and XYZ-M Ice Beam.
5. Primarina vs XYZ: brought to red health with one moon blast but endeavor reduced to the same amount.  Full Restored, I used endeavour, wasted z-move on red untransformed XYZ. Sent out BA, outspeed but survived (via focus item?) and moon blasted. (Though MM would be outspeed so set up agility when fasted and aria OKHOed.). PrincessLuna outspeed and killed.
6. (Princess Luna vs Ninetails), outspeed and 2HKOed
(mistakes, forgot Bulldoze to learn Hydro Pump when needed for Magneton, Misaka using agility.)
(Pokedex 196: XYZ Material 54 - Black Annis 53 - MM 53 - High Royalty 54 - Kaydia 54 - PrincessLuna 55)

Snuck out with Lily. Then caught Tapu Koko


(HR) beat Alakazam (missed focus blast) and Weevile.  (Kaydia, Black Annis and MM) took to take down Mismagius. Salamanca beat MM, but XYZ Material Ice beamed, then beat snorlax using endeavor and bulldoze;

Completed pokedex by self , only trading for version exclusives, oneoffs and castform.


High Royalty (Icenroar) @ Incinium Z
- Darkest Lariat
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage
- Low Sweep
(Lv 65: Hp 212 = Atk 180 = Def 140 = SpA 109 = Sp Def 123 = Spd 140)
Max attack and speed. Alert to sounds. Grew up in laboratory. Wants to be the best champion and Blake thinks only because indoctrinate. Hit likes tank but poor coverage and fighting hurts it a lot. Pokeball.

MisakaMikoto (Vikavolt) @ Focus Band/Sash
- Discharge
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Agility
(lvl 65: Hp 180 = Atk 107 = Def 122 = SpA 248 = SpDef 109 = Spd 132)
-Max speed and special attack. Somewhat of a clown. likes humanitys and cynical about pokemon in the wild due to growing up there. Surprisingly good early game. Poke ball.

Black Annis (Alolan Persian) @ Life Orb
Fur Coar
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Power Gem
- Earthquake
(lvl 65: Hp 170 - Atk 101 - Def 106 - SpA 159 - SpDef 103 - Speed 191)
-Max SpA. ruthless. Quick to flee. Doesn't hit that hard and pretty frail. Pokeball.

XYZ Material (Wishiwashi) @ Quick Claw
- Hydro Pump
- Ice beam
- Endeavor
- Rest
(Lvl 65 (N): Hp 192  = Atk 35 =  Def 45 - SpA 90 - SpDef 76 = Spd 70)
(Lvl 65 (S): HP 192 =  Atk 175 =  Def 188 - SpA 240 - SpDef 200 = Spd 56)
Strong Willed. Max Hp and SPA. Also a nuke. Brooklet hill. Net ball (?, green)

Kaydia (Mimikyu) @ Wide lens
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Pain Split
- Will-O-Wisp
(Lvl 65: Hp 147 =  Atk 183 = Def 129 = SpA 63 = SpDef 158 = Spd 187)
Likes to thrash about. Max Atk and Speed. Luxury Ball.

PrincessLuna (Lunala) @ Leftovers
Shadow Shield
- Moongeist Beam
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Psychic
(Lvl 65: Hp 261 = Atk 172 = Def 140 = SpA 244  = SpDef 155  = Spd 186.)
Mischievous. Frail to ghost. Max Speed Evs. Timer Ball.

Monday 24 October 2016



First packed smugglers copter, second picked passed a (toolcraft exemplar). Ended up going WR aggro. Went 2-0 three times and first picked the smugglers copter.

First match vs WB deck with chief of the founder on the draw. Got off thriving grubs into brazen scourge against a 1B can't block. Revoked it privilege, let it wear him down and board stall and killed with smugglers co-opter + Propeller Pioneer + Inventors googles. Second game faster and closer due to loosing a TC into Grub to a Chandras spell (1b 2 damage divided), wore down and came back with Gearhulk into a Weldfast Montor.

Second Match UR flyers on draw first game. First game rushed quickly using combat tricks and revoke privilege to negate walls and sneak past the skywhale in the air. Second game came to racing with flyers versus ground creatures that could punch through blockers. Narrowly won with removal and having slightly more creatures than him.

Last match BG. Went first first game. Both games got off to a quick start, went long, lost multiple creature to the -2/-2 and eventually won with a vehicle. He had the Caravan Vehicle second game but hand the barge.

9 mountains
7 Plains

1 Toolcraft Exemplar
3  Thriving Grubs
1 Eager Construct
2 Weldfast Monitor
2 Herald of the Fair
1 Glint-Sleeve Artisan
1 Brazen Scourge
1 Iron League Steed
2 Spontaneous Artist
1 Propeller Pioneer
1 Catacyclismic Gearhuld

1 Smugglers Copter
1 Bomar Baazar Barge
1 Fragmentize
2 Built to Last
2 Revoke Privilege
1 Inventors Googles

1. Fragmentise (sideboard in against WB due to Chief of the Foundry.)
1. Terror the Fairgrounds (sideboard in for Fragmentise vs. BG as few artifacts.)

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Acceleration (Omega Ruby Wonderlock, In Prog)

A Certain Scientific Accelerator themed

With Brendan as Accelerator (Acclrt) and May as Misaka

Began the Experiment in full villain mode to raise the most powerful pokemon. Lorded it over Misaka for fun and mocked professor birch for being weak, forcing them acknowledge his greatness. Found scientists boring and helpful people annoying.

Ended up with transfemale decently levelled Combe, a strong looking Surskit, and 1-2 levied Ghastly, Riolu, Kangaskhan and Wurmple. Wurmple would slay other wurmples and later lvl 2 zigzagoona grow up all by itself into a Cascoon.

Riolu died against a Hikers Geodude's rollout getting a critical hit (only hope.).Trained slightly but the more I went over ten the worst disobeyed.

Went against Roxanne. Very difficult and has to use tons of potions. Managed to reduce Geodudes rock tombs pp to zero with Kangaskhan and Dustox managed to beat it with confusion. Nose pass very had, planned to wear down rock tomb and use ghastly but ended up fighting long grinding match against it. Lost Combee to it and began nearly died.

(Ghastly 14 - Dustox 14 - Bagon 12 - Kangaskhan 14 - Sirskit)

Went ahead and traded for more. Ended with a Ralts and several ghost types. Trained them up and defiantly brawley somewhat easily (makuhita's knock off was annoying.)

(Rants 14 - Dustox 15  = Honed 14 - Kangaskhan 15 - Ghastly 16 - Spiritomb 14))

Went ahead, trained up entire team and levelled up ghastly to haunted and altered team to do better against Watson. His Magneton really hard but beat it with Shroomish egg Focus Punch and didn't lose anyone.

(Bagon 23 - Haunter 23 (Spectrum) - Spiritomb 22 - Shroomish 23 (Korean) - Kangaskhan 23 - Lombre 22)

Trained up Fletchinder and Oshawa as newish. Against Maxie switch around a lot between Mightyena and Golbat due to confusion due to swagger and confuse ray. Oshawott crushed Camerupt with Shell Cut

(Spiritomb 27 = Bagon 26 - Fletchinder 27 - Lombre 23 - Kangaskhan 27 - Dewott 26)

Haunter died against gainers hariyama's knock out. Lombtre died against trainers meditates fire punch. Trained up and evolved Bagon. Fleticnder beat Slugma. Torkoal stanked camerupt, set up multiple cursed but Dewitt beat with air cutters and flinch has and shell cutter OKHOed Numel.

( Fletchinder 30 =  Kangkahn 28 = Sheldon 30 = Spiritomb 30 = Dewitt 30 = Frillish 30)

Kangskhan fainted to a normal trainers Zangoose HC + Critical Slash. Beat Normal with Breelom beating Slaking with Focus Punch when not doing anything ; Dewot beat Vigoroth with revenge ; spiritomb beat final slaking after a long battle with hypnosis dream eater.

(Breeloom 27 - Honedge 31 - Shelgon 31 - Spiritomb 32 - Fletchinder 32 - Dewot 33)

Went onwards. Replaced Kangaskhan with Snorlax. Shelgon died after a Carvanah swaggered it, it hit itself and it got ice fanged. Honededge, Dewott and Fletchindrer all evolved.

Winona: Snorlax OKHOed Swellow, Altaria cotton garden so switched to Slupruff with draining kiss, and syphoned it to death. Tanflome with roost and flame charge beat skarmory ; Spiritomb beat Pelter

(Snorlax 36 - Samurott 36 - Talonflame 37 - Spiritomb 36 - Doublade 36 - Slurpuff 36)

Explored Sea Routes and got tons of mons. Tried training a bunch of them up to get a Garchomp with Exp share. Went from beginning to desert, but didn't bring a fully levelled mon and ran into a trainer wth Sandslash who koed everyone/

Beated Lisa and Tate usjgn Snorlax with pursuit, Doublade and Spiritomb.

(Snorlax 41 - Samurott =  41- Spiritomb 43 -  Splurpuff 40 - Doublade 42 - Talonflame 41, box Fungoos 43)

Maxie, Talonflame beat Mighyena, Spiritomb beat wheezing+crobat via hypnosis+ dream eater +shadow ball, Snorlax beat Megacamerupt via EQ.

Primordial groundon ridiculous tough and one earthquake brough Snorlax to red. Used a level 49 Crobat with acrobatics to win. Saved the world

(Wallace: Fungous 47 - Samurott 44 - Croat 49 - Snorlax 44 - Spiritomb 46 - Slurpuff 44 :Talnflame 43 - Doublade 44)

Snorlax died to Victory Road trainer's Rhyperiors brick break. Amungus died to something knowing a tm move. Trained up mega gyarados as replacement and levelled team to 58.

Sydney: Slurpuff sent out first vs mightyena, belly drummed then healing itemed with SP Play Rough  OKing entire team except cacturne who spikes shielded so for safety switched to talonflame.

Phoebe: opened with Spirtomb,got confused rayed, switched ti Doublade to beat the Dusclops. Got cursed, won, she sent out sableye, switched to Slurpuff, OKHed with Play Rought. Thief OHKOed Bannet. Banney B c-rayed SP, switched to Gyarados who took it out but got W'O'W.  Dusknoir made me switched out to Spiritomb and won with W'O'W and shadow ball.

Glalie: opened with TF. FLARE BLITZ OKHOed Glalie so sent out Walden. Shifted to Samurot and Grass Knot OKHOED. Sammurot outsped Frosslass but forced out due to hail, ice body shadow balls and full restores. Sent out Spiritomb who calm minded then Shadow Ball to OKHO both Frosslasse. Glalie use protect and crited worn spiritomb so shifted to doublade and finished off with sacred sword.

Drake: decided to start off with ice fang dragon dance M-Gyarados. Got off a DD then Ice Fanged Altaria IF OKHOed Flagon, Salamence and Flagon 2. Cruch 2HKOed Kingdra.

Steven: Decide to lead with Talonflame and give it a Sitrus Berry (as no need Acrobatics. Skarmory toxied TF but BB + burn managed to KOed it first turn. Sent out Angron so sent out Samurott. Antron had sturdy + full restores but single Scald brought to red and outsped so won. Sent out crudily and shifted to otherwise useless slupuff. Sludge Bomb red so sifted to Doubledge who outsped and finished off with iron head. Sent out Claydoll and forced out and set up screens. So sent out Spiritomb and set up 6 Calm Minds and won. Arnaldo outspeed brough to red and survived so withdrew and sent out samurot. Sent to M-Metagross so withdrew and sent out Gyarados and he missed. Stupidly used Meteor Mass, both brough other to red buy Gyaradis outspeed (used Giga Impact.)

Curb stomped May. Ended up Doublade and Talonfalem 59, Rest Sixty. No pokemon died.

Team for Elite Four: Slurpuff 58 - Gyarados 58 - Samurott 58 - Talonflame 58 - Spirtomb 48 -Dobulade)

Wallace: Spiritomb beat Warlord, healed and beat tentacruel;  weakened Milotic threatened it so switched to Samurot and Grass Knotted it to win ; sent out ludicolo, risk Talonflame and survived energy ball switching in a Acrobatics OKHOed; sent out Gyarados so switch to mine, Mega Evolved, DDed and OHKOed, then crushed Barboach.

Route/Capture List

Combe 7 (starter, Male)

R101: Surskit 7 (Poochyena)
R103: Wurmple 2 (Poochyena
R102: Ghastly 1 (Poochyena)
R104: Riolu 1 (Wurmple)
Petalburg Woods: Kangaskan 1 (Shroomish)
R116:  Magikarp (Zizagoon)
Verdanurf  Tunnel: Bagon (Whisper)
R115: Lotad (MagicCarp)
Dewford City: Spiritomb (Magicarp)
R107: Trevenant 25 (Magicarp)
R106: Ralts  (Magicarp)
Granite Cave: Honed (Mukhahita)
(Petal burg CIiy): Frillish 20 (Magicarp)
R109: Volbeat (Tentacool)
Slate port City: Shroomish (Magicarp)
R110 Fletching (Eletrike)
R111: Eletrike (Golden)
R118 : Shuppet (Tentacool)
R117; Oshawot (Rosalie)
Fiery Path: Corsola (Nume)Golbi
R112 Swirlix (Numel)
R113:Luvdisc (Sandshrew)
R114: Drowse (Swablue)
Meteor Falls: Sandshrew (Zubay)
Jagged Path: Sableye (Numel)
Lavarisge Town: Zizagoon (Wynaut)
Desert: Eevee (Cacnea)
Rosburo: SHINY GIRATINA!!!!!! 96 (Lileep)
Event: Snorlax (Latias)
Route 119: Rosalia (Oddish)
Gift: Poochyena (Castform)
Route 120: Cleffa (Oddish)
New Mauville: Magby (Magnemite)
Route 121: Froackie (linoone)
Route 122: Failed
Route 120: Fungus (Shuppet)
Mount Pyre: Pansear (Shuppet)
Safari Zone: Hippotomas (Psyhduck)
Lilycove City: Swepa  (Magikarp)
MagmaBase:  Tangela (Electrode)
R124: Tailow (Tentacool)
R125:  Claydoll (Pelliper)
Shoal Cave: Flabe(Sealeo)
R127: Golbat (Pelliper)
R126: Dodou  (Tentacool)
R128: Anorith (Magicarp)
R129: Weepinbell (Pelliper)
R130: Meditite (Pelliper)
R131: Gible (Pelliper)
Pacific lodge: Minum (Tentacool)
R132: Feniken (Pelliper)
Evergrande: Tentacool (Luvdisc)
Mosseep: Absol (tentacool)
R133: Pansage (tentacool)
R134: Missed
R108: Dweeble (Magtikarp)
Sea Manville: Illumise (Magicarp)
R105: Spheal (Magicarp)
Seafloor Cavern: Oddish (Golbat)
Sootpolis:Weedle (magi carp)
Cave of Origin:  Relicanth(Maile)
Mirage Isle: Carrcosta (Dolphin)
Soaring Sky: Loudred (Pelliper)
Victory Road: Charmander (Hariyama)

Monday 11 April 2016

Archives ORAS


1. BrendanBirch
2. May Maple
3. Slasha Sasha (F)
4. Brendan

(Bad Brendon: Swampert, M-Aggron, Shiftry, Rhypeior, )
Rival: Delcatty, Roserade, Tropius, Pelipper?/Altaria?, Crawduant (Tierno), Ralts?/Breloom,

Aerodactly, Flygon, Eelektross, Bouffalat, Unfezant, Cleffable, Gengar, Alakazam, Evee
Hawluacha, Talonflame, Florges, Kalos-Fossils, Goodra, Slyveon

Megametagross, Swellow, Plulse, Sandslash, Regice?, Primal Kyoger.

Roxannna: Beldum 11 : Zendikara 11 (Taillow)
Brawley: Beldum 13 : Zendikara 14
Watson: Zebdikara 22 (Swellow) : Medaka-chan 22 (Plulse) - Metang 22
Flannery: Medaka-chan 27 - Zendikara 26 - Metang 26 - Shredder 26 (Sandslash)
Norman: Medak-chan 28 L Zendikara 27 - Metang 28 - Shredder 28
Winona:  Metang 34 - Medak-chan 34 - Shredder 33 - Zendikara 33
LisTate: Medak-chan 49 - Zendikara 40 - Shredder 39 - Metang 39 - Frosslass 39
Wallace: Shredder 43 - Metatron 42 - Zendikara 42 - Mekada-chan 44 - Frostlass 42 - Storm Surge 45 (Kyogre)
Champion: Medaka-chan 50 - Shredder 48 - Zendikara 47 - Metatron 47 (Metagross) - Froslass 50 - Storm Surge 45.
Champion: Storm Surge 64 - Shrdder 70 - Zendikara 70 -  medaka-chan 71 - Metagross 66 - Yukihime 71

Began the game with Impish Event-Beldum who had Zenheadubt+Ironheadubt but and defeated Mays Torchic. Caught a Taillow ((Zendikara). Two very powerful. Against Roxanne Beldum reached 11 and stopped evolving so used spare mons and Zendikara to win,] Brawley defeated single handily by either of them.
After arriving at (Coast) game for harder. However level ground up and caught Medaka-chan the Modest Pulse.
Battled May who was hard taking out Zendikara and causing Beldum to evolve to Metang. Moved to Maville and lvl grinder to much with Zendikara evolving and bought TMs for Face and Bulldoze. Overleveled for Watson with Medaka-chan beating whole team and finally Zendikara lost after beating volt orb and Metang fimmsoejd off..
Caught Shredder the Sandshrew and levelled it up. Zendikara got burned and swept Flannery single handily.  Metang beat Slugma but lost to torkoal with shredder finishing off team. Boyj Shredder and Finally Medaka-chan swept whole team.
Then Norman. His team very tough and clever item use negates dig-spam. Medaka-chan took out firs two pokemon, Shredder did good damage but not as good defensively as you’d think, Metang did very well despite raw power and Zendikara was OHKOed.
Battled Wiona. First time Shredder took down Swellow and traded with Pelliper. Zendikara took down Cotton Garded Altaria with focus energy facade while paralysed and guts facade crit took down Skarmory. Second time Medaka-chan beat Swellow and lost to Altaria who defeated Shredder and lost to Zendikara, Zendikara lost to Skamory who lost to Metang who defeated Pelliper. Third time Zedikara beat Swellow, switched to Medaka-chan for Skarmoy who won and injured Altaria who Zendikara defeated before taking down Pelloper. Final time Metang got a Hone Claws and flinch critical hazed through Altaria with rest of team fallen to ger.
Battled Team Aqua. Got to the sea and trained and caught multiple snorunt. Traded over baby snorunt and levelled up to Glalilie.  Afterwarda battled Liz and Tate on Mossdeep with Shredder doing poorly, Frosslass being glass canon and Metang devastin. Secodn time Zendikara and Medaka-Chan did great with Zendikara steel winging lunation to KO with TW_Electto Ball taking down Solrock.
Archie was hard taking down most of team with Medaka-chan and Zendikara proving essential.
Kyogre really hard to take down and captured with Medaka-chan t-wave being eventide.

Battled Wallace where M-chan beat uvdisc, Zendikara beated Wishcash, Metatron beat Milotic and Sealeo and lost to Seaking who lost to Medaka-chan. Second time Storm Surge  sweep entire team. Third time Yukihime beat Luvdisc and lost to Milotic who also beay Zendikara and lost to edaka-chan, Shredder beat Wishcash and lost toSealeo, Metatron beat Sealeo and lost to seeking who Medaka-chan. Fourth Metatron beat Luvdisc and Wischashlost to Milotic who Yukihime beat with whole team. Finally Zendikara beat Luvdisc, Shredder beat Milotic, Wishcash, Sealeo and Seaking due to artificial stupidity.
Advanted through Victory Road with pokemon from other regions! Against Wally (NOT fully evolved team a shame) first time M-Metagross took out team except Gallade who Medaka-Chan finished off. Second time Storm Surge swept team. Third time Frosslass swept team. Fourth Zendikara best Altaria,Shredder beat Magneton, Zendikara beat Delcatty, Rosalia and traded with M-Gallade. Fifth time Shredder took down Altaria, Rosalia and Magneton while Medaka-chan beat Delcatty and M-Gallade. Final began with M-chan nasty plotting then thundering Altaria, Rosalia and losing to Magneton who Shredder beat and took down Delcatty and Gallade.

Took on E4. First Sydney. Shredder beat Mightyena, Frosslass beat Shiftry, and Thundered Sharpedo but lost to Absol who Zendikara beat + Cacturne. Pheobe T1 swept by SS. Forsslass beat Dusclops, Medaka-chan beat Sabley and a Bannette with Shreder beating second Bannette and Duscknoir. Battled , with Glalie beating Shredeer but finished off by Zendikara steel wing which crippled Froslass who Yukihime finished off as well as the second Froslas after crippling Walrein who M-chan defeated with grass knot as well as second Glalie. T1 SS swept Drak and wore out KIngdra. T2 Draka Shredder beat Altaria, lost to Kingdra who Medaka chan beat before Flygon who Yukihime beat as well ass Second Flygon and Salamence. SS lost to Steven due to confusion from Cradily. Steven T2 Medaka chan Thundered Sarkmory, Shredder weakened Skarmpory, Zendikara and Yukihime beat Claydoll, Yukihime lost to Aggron who Shredder beat who lost to Cradily : Metatron beat Cradily Armaldo and Metagross. Then May with Medaka-chan beating Wailord, Zendikara beat Breloom, Shreddr beats Raichu and Swellow

Delta episode intense. Metatrona dn Yukihime swept Ziinnia final and Medaka-chan outspend rayquaza.
Did Awesome with Archie in the Super Multi Maison (20+ wins). Lots of grinding.

 Rebattle E4 and really hard.
SS did not sweep all of (), swept Pheobe single handily. Yukihime swept Pheobe until Dsblry who Medaka-chan beat. SS failed to beat Abomasnow but swept rest while Metatron swept Glalie whole team. Drake SS swept with calm mind, as did Froslass.while Metatron swept up to Salamence. Steven impossible to sweep and both times ended up with just Metatron again his Metagross.

Metagross @ Metagrossite
-Hone Claws
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbut
-Hammer Ar

Lvl 50-N: 149 Hp - Atk 176 - Def 158 - SpA 90 - SpDef 98 - Spd 115
Lvl 50-M: 149 Hp - 186 Ak - 180 Def - 99 SpA - Spdef 116 - Spd 155
Lvl-71-M: 207 Hp - 262 Atk - Def 253 - SpA 140 - SpDef 163 - SPd 218
Metatron. Fallen angel with biblical eldritchness.

Zendikara F (Swellow) @ Toxic Orb
Impish, Guts

-Brave Bird
-Steel Wing

Lvl 50: 132 Hp - Atk 137 - Def 75 - SpA 52 - SpDef 70 - Sod 166x
Lvl 71: 183 Hp - 192 Atk - 104 Def - SpA 72 - SpDef 98 - 233 Spd
Cool and amazing. Somewhat vain. Pokeball.

Medaka-chan F (Plulse)

-Nast Plot
-Baton Pass
-Grass Knot

Lvl 50: 121 Hp - Atk 55 - Def 48 - SpA 149 - Spdef 89 - Spd 147
Lvl-71: 168 Hp -766 Atk - 66 Def - 210 SpA - SpDef 124 - Spd 206
Warm happy super nice but slightly blood knight

Shredder M @ Quick Claw (Sandslash)
Carefull, Sand Viel
-Stone Edge
-Swords Dance
-Rapid Spin

Lvl 50:  168 HP - 150 Atk - 115 Def - SpA 45 - Spdef 68 - Spd 71
Lvl 71; 235 Hp - 211 Atk - 161 Def - 61 SpA - SpDef 94 - Spd 99
Likes to fight. Ultra Ball.

Frosslass @ Expert Belt
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
Lvl 50: Hp 138 - Atk 90 - Def 90 - SpA 132 - Spdef 90 - Spd 161
Lvl 71: 192 Hp - 126 Atk - Def 126 - SpA 185  - 126 SpDef -226 Speed
Yukihime. Ghost of linched lesbia who internals evil and acts poke the poodle evil. Great EV.

Storm Surge (Kyogre) @ BLue orb
Calm, Drizzle
-Origin Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind
Lvl 50-N: 176 Hp - 101 Atk - 101 Def - SpA 202 - SpDef 172 - Spd 140
Lvl 50-P: 176 Hp - Atk 146 - Def 101 - SpA 232 - SpDef 198 - Spd 140
Lvl-71-N: 245 Hp - Atk 143 - 142 Def - 284 SpA - 247 SpDef - spd 197
Lvl-71-P: 245 Hp - 207 Atk - 142 Def - 327 SpA - Spdef 279 - Spd 197

May Maple
Mega-Sceptile, Mightyena, Exploud (S), Pikachu, Altaria, Dusclops?

Roxnne: Theocide 13, Howler 11, Soundwave 12
Brawley: Howler 14, () 14, Theocide 16 (Grovyle)
Watson: 19 Howlin Janet (Mightyena) : Theocide 20 : Yasmine 22 (Pikachu) : Soundwave* 21 (Loudred)
Flannery: Yasmine 26 - Theocide 26 - Altharion 24 (Swablue) - Howling Janet 23 - From Ybonne 25
Norman: Soundwave 29 - Howling Janet 27 - THeocide 27 -  Altharion 27 - Yasmine 28
Winona: Yasmine 32 - Theocide 32 - Howlin Janet 31 - Altharion 33 - Soundstream 31 (Arrived!)
LizaTate: Howling Janet 37 - Duscour 39 (Dusclops) - Soundstream 38 - Altharion 37 (Altaria) - Theocide 37 (Sceptile) - Yasmine 38
Wallace: Duscour 42 - Howling Janet 40 - Yasmine 42- Theocide 42 - Soundstream 40 - Altharion 40
Champion: Yasmine 45 - Theocide 46 - SOundtream 46 0 Largarion 48 - Howling Jnaet 45 = Duscour 47
Delta: Theocide 49 - Duscour 49 (Dusnoir) - owling Janet 49 - Soundstream 48 - Yasmine 50 - Altharion 49
Champion: Yasmine 69 - Duscour 68 - Altharion 66 - Theocide 67 - Soundstream 69 - Howling Janet 65

Soundeave lost to Geocdude who Howler beat. Only Theocide beat Nosepass and by beating Geodude learned Mega-drain mid battle.

Battled Brawley. Howler weakener machop, from yvonne finished it off and weakened Makuhita who Theocide finished of. Second time Theocides beats them both and evolves to Grovyle.
Watson. Theocide held ground but poor against steel, Yasmine Eballed and DK them finished off whole team. Soundwave* beat  Magnemite and Howler finished off the team.
Battled Archie and difficult fun battle with mutual joy of combat.
Against Flannery Pikachu OKHOed Torkoal with TW+EB combo. Flannery hard regularly taking down three mons. Normal very hard and brought down team to last pokemon.
Winona Howling Janet swept whole team by herself. Without her entire team plus her still needed to win. Instnt rematch were Swalbu Altharion beat Altaria by himself, Theocide beat Altara and the team one without Howling Janet at all! (pikachu traded with Swellow)
Jasmine single handily beat rival single handed in Slateport. Final try Swablue great defeating Blaziken+Breloom and evolving to alter.
Theocide evolved in Mount Dead? and Duscour evolved in Aqua Hideout.
Battle Lisa and Tate. Pikachu fainted but M-Sceptile did great, Second time Loudred and Altharion, both fainted due to healing spam.Third-final time Duscour and
 Howling Janet beat both without fainting/healing items.
Wallace was a diffuicult with a very strong Milotic. M-Sceptile nor Yasmine could sweep him.
Wall was only difficult due to M-Gallade

Then E4. Theocide did great against Sydney unmega taking out 4 of his mind and canon Altharion Mega-Echoed Voiced his entire team. Phoebe took several mons each time by Altharion win. Glacia defeat one iteration and defeated 5 pokemon in final attempt/ While unable to sweep Glalie, M-Altharion swept through Drake with no problems. Against Drake Janet beat CottonGarded Altaria and  Soundstream Echoed Voice both Flagons, Kingdra and Salamance. Un-M Altharion outswept and OHKOed Salamence with DM. Drake is really hard and takes out 5 mons to beat.
Steven hard and lost twice needing heal spam and only Duscour alive. (Jasmine beat Skarmory, Sceptile beat  Aggron, Soundstream beat Cradle, Duscour beat Claydoll, Altaria beat Armaldo, Howling Janet intimidate-revive spam lower M-Heracross to level Duscour to beat.

Altharion outspeed 10+ Ziinie Noivern and swept Zinnia entire team. Without M-Altharion Zinnia really hard to beat taking down all 5 mons and needing ayquaza
After this level up against Secret Bases. Then Rebattle E4. Altharion-M swept Sydney as did Yasmine. Other wise Sydney took out 1-2 mons average. Next Pheobe with entire good except Duscour who took out 1.5 mons while with average mon taking 2-3 of hers and usually losing 3 mons against her (Exploud not as good as think with SB rarely OHKOing, Duscour needs better stab/
Then Glalia who took down to just Theocide first time analive (los to her once). Averages pokemon 1-2 with 1 the norm and fire/focus blast miss a lot. No mons particularly useful.
Drake. Sound streams wept three mons. M-Altharion and M-Sceptile swept entire team. Yasmine suprisngly tough and draining kiss vampiric. Average 2-3 mons surviving.

Finally Champion Steven. First time Duscour took out Skarmory and Aggron but lost. Un-meged () swept stevens Carbink, Aggron and Claydoll due to ground typing. Third tome won with Duscour soloing Metagross by surviving Meteor mash and willowisp hitting. Fourth time Jnaet finished of Claydoll, IronTail OHKOed  Aerodactyl and Carbink and lost Metagross who was hurt by Altharion and M-Theocide.
Final: Yasmine beat Skarmory, hurt Aggron, M=Theocide beat Aggron, Soundwave weakened Aerodactly and Theocide finnished off, Theocide OKHOed Carkink, took out Claydoll, lost to Metagross who again heated by Duscour

Between Slateporte and Mauville both HJ and Wishmur evolved.

QAltharion knew Echoed Voiced. With Pixelated awesome build up and swept Wallace single handed.

Theocide (Sceptile-Mega) (M) @ Sceptilite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 6 HP / 250 SpA / 252 Spe
- Leaf Storm
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Energy Ball
50-N: Hp 133 - Atk 81 - Def 81- SpA 155 - SpDef 107 - Spd 171
50-M: Hp 133 - Atk 104 - Def 91- SpA 195 - SpDef 107 - Spd 196
69-N: Hp 179 - Atk 110 - Def 110 - SpA 212 - SpDef 147 - Spd 234
69-M: Hp 179 - Atk 142 - Def 124 - SpA 267- SpDef 147 - Spd 268

Altharion (Altaria-Mega) (M) @ Altarianite
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 6 HP / 250 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Roost
50-N: Hp 147 - Atk 81 - Def 108 - SpA 117 - SpDef 125 - Spd 141
50-M: Hp 147 - Atk 117 - Def 128 - SpA 157 - SpDef 125 - Spd 141
69-N: Hp 199 - Atk 109 - Def 147- SpA 159 - SpDef 171 - Spd 193
69-M: 199 Hp = 160 Atk - 175 Def = 214 SpA  171 SpDef - 193 Spd

Howlin Janet (Mightyena) (F) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 250 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Play Rough
- Iron Tail
- Thunder Fang
50: Hp 133 - Atk 154 - Def  81- SpA 58 - SpDef 79 - Spd 110
50: Hp 179 - Atk 210 - Def 109 - SpA 79 - SpDef 107 - Spd 149

Yasmine (Pikachu-Pop-Star) (F) @ Light Ball
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 6 HP / 250 Atk / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Draining Kiss
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot
- Thunder
50: Hp 111 - Atk 56 - Def 54 - SpA 97 - SpDef 77 - Spd 142
69: Hp 149 - Atk 76- Def 73 - SpA 131 - SpDef 104 - Spd 194
Takes Plent of Seistas.

Soundstream (Exploud) (F) @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Soundproof
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 250 Spe
Timid Nature
- Boomburst
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Surf
50: Hp 180- Atk 89 - Def 82 - SpA 130 - SpDef 80 - Spd 132
50: Hp 244 - Atk 121 - Def 111 - SpA 177 - SpDef 108 - Spd 179

Duscour (Dusknoir) (M) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 250 SpD
Careful Nature
- Pain Split
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Punch
- Brick Break
50: Hp 138 - Atk 114 - Def 147 - SpA 69 - SpDef 193 - Spd 60
50: Hp 186 - Atk 156 - Def 201 - SpA 94 - SpDef 264 - Spd 80

Slasha Sasha(F)

Masqueraine, Swalot, Hariyama, Azumaril, Magcargo, M-Latias

Roxanne: 13 Iqwedyij (Surskit) : 13 Gulpin
Brawley: 15 Surskit : 15 Gulpin : 15 Roleene (Makuhita)
Wattson: 19 Rolo’eena : 20 Iqwendyej : 22 Gulpin L 20 Ask Peppev (Azumarill)
Flannery: Iqwedyij 27 : Rolo’eena 25 (Hariyama) - AskProfessor 26 - Swalot 27 - Knowelege 27 (Slugma)
Norman: Ask Proffesor28 : Iqwedyij30 : Swalot 28 L : Rolo’eena 26 : Knoweledge29
Winnona: Knoweledge 34 :- Rolo’eena 31 - Swalot 32 - Mediria 30 - Iqwedyij 256 - AskProffesor31 -.Mereidia 30 (Latias)
Liz and Tate: Knoweledge 40 (Magcargo) - Iqwedyij 42 (Masqueraine) - Rolo’eena 36 - Swalot 37 0 AskProffesor 35 - Mierida 31
Wallace: Iqwedyij 42 - Rolo’eena 38 - AskProffesor 39 - Knoweledge 42 - Meridia 32 - Swalot 39.
Champion: Knoweledge 48 0 Iqwedyij 45-  Meridia 4 0 Swalot 45 - Rolo’eena 44 - AskProffesor 46
Champion: Knoweledge 63 - Rolo’eena 60 - Meridia 62 - Swaot 60 - AskProffesor62 - Iqwedyij 62

Ran away from home. Axe crazy. Knfe Knut. Violent career criminal. Smiles a lot. Amoral.
Made Fuastian pact with Extra-temporal cosmic horror. Arrives in Littleroote one day as if by magic and railroaded into quest. Shocked to have family back. Spooked by weirdness and generosity. Unsure if wanted to remain home. Then met Brendan and pissed off at  sexism and though Prof making a pass at her. Super-pissed off. Stormed off. Angry at father being gym leader and successful.

She stormed off moment dexquest given her. Spent awhile searching after multiple of each species got a Modest Signal Beaming Surskit and Timid Ralts.

Battle Roxanne where Surskit not enough to beat Nosepass. Against Brawley both Surskit and Makuhita very good and capable of taking down at least

Battled Brawley with both Makuhita and Surskit useful and could knock out either mon.

Went ahead. Surprised at Aqua having a good cause.

Battled Wattson. lost First Time. Won immidate retry where () took down Magnemite, aimed Force Palm at Voltorb and outspend volt switch let hit Magneton. Next used Azumaril to repeat action tricking Magneton to be switched into Bulldoze.

Rushed onwards. AskProffesor quickly learned Aqua Tail becoming broken. Caught Slugma. Roll’eena and Gulpin evolved during Team Aqua Meteor battle and AskProffesor learned Play Rough becoming Broken. Moved onto Flannery gym with both Azumaril and Swalot sweping her alone. In final timeline Slugma got ancient power boost and defeated Torkoal +  Numel singlehadily. Hariyama did well beating Numel + Torkoal.

Norman. Swalot Beat Slaking strongest. Roloo’eena and AskProffesor great. Rest mediocre

Moved on catching Merida and crushing Team Aqua. Meridia swept Winoa. Otherwise strong with her Altaria CG-Roosting to beat Azumarril. AskProffesor and Rolo’eena did well as did Swalot (knocked out Altaria) with Knowledge ad Iqwedyij knocking out Mons.s

Mossdeep Azumarill and Meridia did okay agains gym leaders but rest of team mediocre with twins casually knocking out multiple mons including both Meridia and AskProffesor if circumstance wrong. Victorius try Iqwedyij and Knoweledge won alone without fainting or help.
After Mossdeep change of hearth with Lisa and Tate predictions and Steven explaining the stakes. Actually wanted to stop it. Floundered around before finding the underwater cavern. Swept through it. Battled Archie who took out 1 mon on average with everyone good depending on type match up. Battled Kyoge, caught it and enjoyed feeling of Enslaving a god.
Battled Wallace. Iqwedyij good if set up multiple Quiver Dances sweeping whole team and otherwise okay. Rolo’eena and AskProffesor great and capable of sweeping team. Merida good but underleveled. Swallot traded with one mon on average.

E4. With single QD Iqwedyij swept Sydney and Meridia did okay. askproffesor and Rolo’inna okay but vulnerable.

Against Glacia everyone on team did okay. Magcargo suprinsgly good and Rolo’eena did great. Her Walrein very tough.

Drake really hard to defeat. AskProffesor super good. As was Meridia. Knoweledge and Swalot okay. Iqwedyij and Rolo’eena mediocre and situational are best.

Steven very strong. Aggro tough and earthquake hits hard. Cradily beat Swalot.
 First time Meridia got multiple CM against Claydoll and swept down to Metagross before losing MM beat by Knoweledge. Second time Iqwedyij QD through Claydoll, Aggron and Cradily before Armaldo survived, Rolo’eena set up against but CC kept lowering defences and MM outspeed and KOed with this time AskProffesor taking it down.

Decides to enslaved gods and does a great job catching legendaries.

Magcargo does great vs. Rayquaza and Noivern.  Iqwedyij and Meridia setup swept Zinnia who otherwise super hard. Caught Deoxy at perfect health with third dark ball.

Finds out neverborn by cosmic horror erasing timeline and this is an echo of reality.

Rematch E4. () difficult with Meridia useless, Swalot mediocre and Iqwedyij unable to set up. Rolo’eena and AskProffesor hit hard but weak. Took out about three pokemon.
Pheobe. Knowledge very good with recover, flame body and attack making out M-Sabley, Duscnoir, Bannette and Driftblim. Meriida good as could do damage.  Iqwedyij and Swalot mediocre.
Against Gla(), Azunarilla slow and weak to freeze dry and Walreins Sheer Cold but otherwise very good. Masquerade useless and Meridia hard to use. Swalot poor damage but decent bulnkl. Rolo’eena excellent but slow. Knoweledge tricky with 4x weakness but otherwise good.
Drake. Meridia swept team except against MSalamence. Dralgae very tough. Everyone else still thought.
Steven. As before Knoweldge good against Skarmory and useless elsewhere. Every team member just okay. Meridia swept but still lost against M-Gross. Iqwedyij got 6 QD against Claydoll and defeated M-Metagross.

Iqwedyij (Masqueraine) @ Leftovers
Intimidate, Modest
Lv 50: Hp 167 - Atk 63 - Def 81 - SpA 106 - SpDef 102 - Spd 110
Lvl 63: Hp 208 - Atk 79 - Def 100 - SpA 133 - SpDef 127 - Spd 137
-Quiver Dance
-Bug Buzz
-Baton Pass
-Stick Web
Lvl 38 learns sticky web. evplved Max Hp and Sp Ev

Swalot @ black sludge
Sticky Hold, Calm
Lv 50: Hp 197 - Atk 92 - Def 93 - SpA 83 - SpDef 136 - Spd 75
Lv 63: Hp 246 - Atk 115 - 116 Def - SpA 104 - SpDef 169 - Spd 93
-Gunk Shot
-Toxic (fiery Path)

Initially bad move pool. Then evolved and laugh tm bulldoze. Good but took awhile to learn Gunk Shot.  Max Hp and SpDef Evs.

Rolo’eena F (Hariyama) @ Shell Bell
Thick Fat, Careful
Lv 50: Hp 209 - Atk 167 - Def 97 - SpA 50 - SpDef 86 - Spd 67
Lvl 63: Hp 260 -Atk 209 - Def 121 - SpA 62 - SpDe 107 - Spd 83
-Close Combat
-Knock Off
-Stone Edge
-Heavy Slam
Max Def and Atk Evs

AskProffesor F (Azumarill) @ Muscle Band
Huge Power, Careful
Lvl 50: Hp 205 - Atk 95 - Def 90 - SpA 68 - SpDef 94 - Spd 62
Lvl 63: Hp 255 - Atk 118 - Def 112 - SpA 84 - SpDef 117 - Spd 77
-Play Rought
Max HP and ATK EVs.

Knoweledge M (Magcargo) @
Flame Body, Calm
Lv 50: Hp 154 - Atk 55 - Def 135 - SpA  99 - SpDef 144 - Spd 37
Lvl 63: Hp 192 - Atk 68 - Def 168 - SpA 124 - SpDef 180 - Spd 45
-Fire Blast
-Ancient Power
-Earth Power
Max Hp and SpDef.

Meridia F (Latias) @ Latiasite
Bold, Levitate
Lvl 50 N:  174 hp - 78 atk - 156 def - 130 SpA - SpDef 151 - Spd 130
Lvl 50 M: 174 Hp - Atk 98 - Def 189 - SpA 171 - Spd 130
Lvl 63 N:  217 Hp - 97 Atk - 194 Def - SpA 163 - SpDef 188 - 163 Spd
Lvl 63 M: 217 Hp - 119 Atk - 236 Def - SpA 200 - 214 SpDef - 163 Spd
-Calm Mind
-Psyshock (pacific log town)
-Dragon Pulse
Hp and Def Evs.

Swamptert - Gardevoire -M-Aggron - Shiftry - Rhyperior

Roxanne: Mudkip 11 - Ralts 10 - Seedot 12
Brawly; mudkip 13 - Ralts 13 = Nuzleaf 14
Watson Sultai 20 (Marshtomp)  woodwind 20 - Angron 18 - Galadriel 18
Flannery: Galadriel 24 (Kirlia) : Woodwind 24 - Angron 25 - Sultai 26
Norman: Anomalacaria 26 (Annorith) : Galadriel 26 - Woodwind 27 -Angron 26 -Sultai 26
Winnoana: Anomalacaris 29 : Woodwind 31 (Shiftry) - Sultai 30 - Angron 30 - Galadriel 31 (Gardevoire)
Lisa and Tate:  Sultai 36 (Swampert); Galadriel 35 - Woodwind 34 - Angron 36 (Lairon) - Anomalacira 36 - Rhyhorn 36
Wallace: Woodwind 39 - Galadriel 38 - Angron 41 - Anomalacaria 40 - 0.Lexaeys 40 (Rhyhorn) - Sultai 39

Mudkip beats Roxanne whole team. Ralts always lose to Nosepass but could beat Geodude by tracing sturdy to survive and 2hKOing with Confusion. Seedot only move was Razor Wind and lost both time,

After Roxanne dragged into Megacorp story with Team Magma. Soon ended up on sland

Ralts beats Brawley whole team, Mudkip can beat either mon with long battle with lots of chance involved, Nuzleaf loses to both.

Ralts fails against Watsons whole team, Marshtomp crushes all with Bulldoze. Aron Bulldoze and Nuzleafs thief beat magnetime or voltorb but worn down by VS and lose to Magneton.

Short after ralts evolved. On way Nuzleaf got nature power via move relearner.
Maxy hard. Took out several mons and capable of winning. His golbat outspeeds entire team and had confuse ray.

Nuzleaf 3hkoes Slugma but is Ohkoed by overheat, narrowly loses to Numel after healing item, loses to Torkoal
Galadriel does little to Torkoal and OHKOed, outspreeds and 2HKOs Slugma, outspeeds and beats Numel
Angron outspends and OHKOs Sluga with Rock Slide, he and numel bring other to red but angoras bulldoze slows it down enough to win, outspeed and 2HKOs Torkoal with Rock Slide
Sultai defeats Torkoal, outspeeds snf OKHOs Numel+Slugma

-Sultai loses to Slakkiing 28 & 30, beats Vigoroth.
-woodwind 3hkoes Vigorth and was if full health, OHKOed by Slaking
-Galadriel traces Truant and crushed y Slakings, outspeed OHKOed by Vigoroth.
-Angron narrowly beats slaking 30 via iron head attrition, closely loses 28 yawns, beats Vigoroth.
-Anomalacria closely loses to slaking 30, beats either of the other two,

In Weather Institute Tabitha cam erupt swept entire team except Marshtomp.

- Sutlai tanks Swellow and rock slide OHKOHes, closely loses to Altaria cotton guard EQ, defeats Pelliper : Skarmory wins a stal-fest with sand attack
-kirlia loses to Altaria (EQ do red, DK does a third to alt), OKHOed by Skarmony, outspeed and down to red by Swellows (loses), loses to Pelliper
-Shiftry: HP electric OKHO Pelliper and closely wins with NaturePower, Long battle with Altaria with neither doing much, loses due to roost, Outspeeds Swellow and with HP mutual red damage : HP brings Skarmory to yellow and AA brings to red but WW outspeeds.
-Agron: RS OKHOes Swellow, narrowly beats Skarmory, loses to Altaria (does little, survives EQ due to sturdy), outspeed and mutual red one hit by Pelliper (A loses)
-Anomalacaris: Swellow does over half but OHKOed by Rock Tomb, outsppeds Altaria and 2HKOs; does little to Skarmory and OHKOed ; bring pelliper to yellow but OKHOed by Pelliper (outspeed + missed)
Winnoa hard to beat with Skarmory and Altaria hard to check,
Geting bad mid game but learned psychic against Winnona after follow-uping to defeat Pelliper and evolved post-battle

Afterwards caught a Rhyhorn in Safari Zone. Aaron evolved in () beating a trainers Lairon shortly after. Climbed mount chimney.

-Sultai Ohko Swellow (rock slide) and Magcargo (water), loses stall match to Sceptile and wkhoed by Wailod (water spout + brine)
-Gardevoir Psychic OKHO swellow, calm mind out stalls Wailord, beats Magcargo, closely beats Sceptile
-Wooodwind loses to Swellow, OHKOs Wailord, 2KHOs Magcargo, Hurricine brings Sceptile to red if hits (3HKOed by Sceptile)
-Angron beats Swellow, 2KHOs Sceptile, outsped and crushed by Wailord, his rock slide OHKO Magcargo
-Anomalacaria OHKOs Swellow, OHKOed by Wailord, 2KHO Magcargo, SCEPTILE
_Lexaeus OKHO Swellow, OHKOs Magcargo, loses to Wailord, closely beats Sceptile (lacks grass)

Lisa and Tate:
-Sultai outspeed and attacks do little (lacks physical water0
-Galadriel outspends both, shadow ball brings both Solrock and Lunatone two yellow
- and dark pulse brings Solrock to yellow, brings Lunatone to yellow
- Angron outseped Iron head brings Solrock to yellow and Lunatone to red.
- Anomalacris outspeeds both, first fury cutters does under a third to solrock+Luntaone,  OKHOed by Lunat
- Lexaeus outsped, rock blast does little


Sultai: Mightyena faster but crushes;  Weezing slower but tough and with explosion brings down to red; crobat 3KHOes Sultai but is 2HKOed first; 2HKO cam erupt with ground moves.

Galdriel outspeeds and OKHOes Mightyena+Weezing, crobat outseeds but Galadriel OKHOs, Outspeeds and 2HKO M-Camerupt

Woodwind outspeeds OHKO Mightyena focus blast (takes a third if misses); Outspeeds Weezing and Dark Pulse brings down to Yellow but Explosion OHKOs , is outspeed and OHKOed by Camerupts Acrobatocs, Camerupt is outspeed and grass knot 2hkos so wins with artificial stupidity

Angron: outsped by and tanks crushes Mightyena, Weezing and Crobat easily; outspeeds and 2HKOs Camerupt with EQ ;

Anomalacaria: Outspeeds and OKHOs Mighytena, Weezing outspeed and brought to red by Crobats Acrobatics but rock tomb 2hkos and slows down; 3KHOs M-Camerupt but 1KHOed by Rock Slide

Lexaes: Mighyena outspeeds but does little and takes over half ;  tanks crobat and 2HKos it; Weezings explosion did only a quarter; Camerupt outspeeds! and 3KHOed


Sultai: Luvdisc outspeeds but a bulldoze brings to red if gets through ; Milotic outspeeds and both do a lot with random ; Outspeeds Wishcash and bulkly battle that Sultia wins ; Outspeeds Sealoe and Stone Edge OHKOs ;  Seaking outspeeds but Sultai wins with yellow health after several turns. [Done[

 Galadriel: Luvdisc outspeeds but Psychic OHKOs ; outspeeds Milotic and with calm mind and draining kiss suvives and wins; outspeeds and 2KHO Seaking ; Outspeed Wishcash and mutual yellow in one hit ; Outspeeds and OHKO Sealeo with focus blast. [Done]

Woodwind: Luvdisc outspeeds and attract draining kiss makes random (tanks Grass Knot); Outspeeds Milotic and 2HKOs with Grass Knot (one ice brings to red) ; Outspeeds + OKHO Sealeo with Grass  Knot ; Outspeeds Seaking+Wishcash and brings to red in one hit [DONE}

Angron: Wishcash outspeeds and studies with EQ;  Sealeo outspeeds, does little and Iron Head 2KHOs ; Milotic outspeeds, sturdies and takes little ; Luvdisc ouspeeds, water pulse does a third and EQ brings to red but attract+confusion makes random ; Seaking outspeeds but Angron last 2+ turns and EQ 2HKOs. [Done]

Anomalacaria: Outspeeds and OHKOs Sealeo+Luvdisc ; outspeeds and closely beats Wishcash ; Outspeeds and 2KHOs Seaking ; Milotics outspeeds and OHKOs (DONE)

Lexaeus:Luvdisc outspeeds and each brings other to yellow; Wishcash outspeeds and OHKOs ; Milotic outspeeds and OHKOs ; Sealeo outspeeds, one waterfall brings to red but stone edge OHKO ; Seaking outspeeds and OKHOs. [Done]

Shortly after Wallace evolved Lairon and Rhyhorn.

Altaria: outspeeds Sultai and with Cotton Gaurd its a slow match ; Galadriel outspeeds and 2HKOs ; Sultai faster and 3KHO but one Aerial Ace brings to yellow ; outspeeds M_Aggron who tanks + 2HKOs ;  Lexaeus but DP does little and Cotton Guard vs. Curse makes luck based ; Anomalacaria outspeeds and Stone Edge OKHO

MagnetonL Galadriel outspeeds, focus blasts sturdies and survives counterattack on red ; outspeeds Sultai but can't harm it and loses to EQ ; Woodwind faster and focus blast survives and survives a flash canon;
outspeeds does little to M-Angron+Lexaeus who both 2kHOs ; ANONALACARIA

Roselia: Galadriel outspeeds and OHKOs ; Sultai EQ OKHOs ; Woodwing outspeed and Hurricane OHKOs ; outspeds M-Angron who tanks and OHKOs ; Aniomalacaria outspeeds and 2HKOs ;   Lexaeus outspeed but 2HKOs with EQ with artificial stupidity leech seed toxic ;

Delcatty: outspeeds Sultai but does little and OHKOed; Galadriel outspeeds and OHKOs ; Woodwing outspeds, OHKOs and takes little ;    Mega-Aggron outspend but delcatty attacks do nothing and one Iron Head brings to red; Anomalacaria ourspeeds and OKHOS ; outspeeds Lexaeus but can't harm him and worn down

M-Gallade: Outspeeds Sultai and 2KHO with EQ bringing to yellow ; outspeeds and closely 2HKO Galadriel ; Woodwing outsped Gallade but no M and mutual 2HKO ; M-Angron tanks 2HKOs ; outspeeds Anomalacaria and 2KHOs taking little damage ; outspeeds Lexaeus but doesn't do much and curse+EQ OKHOs.

-Galdriel swept team easily with a calm min an drain kiss; Shiftry outspeeds and focus blast OKHOs entire team. Anomalacaria outspeeds and 2HKOed by both Shiftry+Sharpedo ; M-Angron worn down Phoebe: Bannets outspend Anomalacaria and hit hard, M-Aggron and Rhydon worn down; Dusclops withstands and wears down Shiftry+Gardevoir.
-Glalie: Wlarein supposing fast and hits hard, needed CM Gardevoir to take down, very close battle
-Drake: Galadriel calm mind drain kiss sweeps team. A to slow and loses to entire team, Sultai okay against whole team, Lexaeus to slow and fragile, M-Angron good against whole team, Woodwind poorly
-Steven: Only Lexaeys cruse could beat Skarmiry, Cradily beats Anomalacaria but loses to Angron (as does Armaldo), required healing to beat Metagross (but no spam, M-Angront matched blow for blow with high defense.)
-Rivals M-Sceptile an actual challenge to evertone except M-Angron.
(Lexaeus 43 RHYDON - 43 Sultai (Marshtomp) - Anomalacaria 43 - Galadriel 43 - Angron 45 - Woodwind 44

Wallace actually difficult and took several goes to win. Zinnia not so hard. Failed to catch Deoxy,

Sultia 60 (Swamper)
Torrent, Adamant
-Stone Edge
-Ice Punch
(MAx Hp and Atk Evs)

Woodwind Shifty @ Wide Lens
-Dark Pulse
-Leaf Stome
-Focus Blast
(Max Speed and SPA

-calm mind
-Focus Blasy
(Max SpA and Speed Evs)

-Heavy Slam
(Max Atk, middle SpDef and Hp)

(Max Atk and SpDef)
Note: Next time max speed and rock polish.

-Stone Edge
-Hone Claws
(Max Atk and Speed - Bithia knew X-Scisor, Rock Slides, Sword Dance and AT