Tuesday 12 June 2012

Exercise 1

For this exercisee I looked at librarian in black's blog. I found the post about Xenon light lasting 10,000 hours to be interesting as this sounds like an enviromentally friendly & consumer friendly technology. I should verify this as it sounds interesting.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Exercise 16: Comment on your teachers blog

I have  chose to respond to the Teachers post on Social Bookmarking.

Exercise 15: Commenting on others blogs.

I have just commented on two my classmates blogs

For Wenjing I commented the posts for exercises 10 and 11 supporting use of indention to make them very presentable.

For Shaista I commented on the Exercise 3 and 14 for the quality of Exercise 3's picture and an apology for taking a while to use gmail to accept author request.

Exercise 14: Inviting New People

For this exercise I have invited Wen Jing, Shaista and David to be authors on this blog using gmail.

Exercise 13: Changing the Arrangements of my blog

For this exercise I altered the layout of this blog to make the contributors and blog archive sections appear on different sides of my main blog page, rather than having them both appear on the right side. This makes the blog more balanced.

Exercise 11: Library 2.0 Recomondations for Newtown Library about Library 2.0

 Give specific examples from other best practice libraries worldwide.  Provide links to all these examples.  Again use the following 5 categories to discuss in your response - Local Studies, Children’s, Teenage/Youth, Adult Fiction, Information/Reference. Make certain you label your post, this post will require multiple labels.

There are several possible general options that Newtown Library can carry out to improve itself. The first of these is to get a physical suggestions box for the library. Get a online messasing system so library users  can interact with librarians in real time. A third option is to interact with them online to plan future changes.

For Local studies the Library should set up an area with copies of some key documents that would be of use to local study making them available in the library. This would allow library users to research them onsite. The library should also considering making clients aware of these resources and providing an interlibrary loans system for them

For children the library could borrow the toys directly then let children use them directly in the library and continually returning and burrowing new ones the selection can be kept interesting an new. This can be combined with either a recommendations system to keep interesting toys at the library or a type of 
interlibrary loans system for toys. 

Teenage/Youth would be a critical demographic for library 2.0. Providing the option of timetabling study sessions is a potential way of using library 2.0 to deal with students. Other options would be to make the library databases more customisable by providing users with further options such as allowing a range of colour schemes and page layouts or allowing users to simply browse libraries and sections without forcing them to use search terms to limit the search.

For fictional works aimed at adults a similar general approach to the teen/youth demographic would be appropriate. The library would focus on increasing options such as by setting up a general suggestion box and setting up an increased online presence with twitter rooms, a blog, making on client-library communication easier and reforming the library site navigation options. 

The best way to use library 2.0 to assist with information and reference sources is to focus on providing access to virtual sources. Examples of this would access to electronic databases, podcasts, blogs  and other online sources. This would provide the library with addition reference sources without inconviencing other libraries in the network or using to much space.

There are a number of 2.0 tools that Newtown library can 

Exercise 12: Changing the colour of the blog

For this exercise I have changed the background colour of the blog site (the space behind actual the actual print preview style page) from #eeeeee (a light grey) to #999999 (a slightly dark grey). I also made the heading of 
the entire blog darker (to #000000).

I have done this to make the blog look more serious and professional.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Exercise 10: Evaluation of Newtown Library

Netown Library uses basic 2.0 technology. The Newtown library website is simple but effect subsection of the City of Sydney goverment page. The library can searched online by limiting an OPAC library network search to newtown. There are a number of online services such as renewing items online, writing reviews for and rating items online and suggest books for the library.

Netwotn Library has a series of computers available for public use. These include computers restricted to searching the library catelogue as well as ordinary computers that must be reserved in advance. The Library has free wifi for people who bring own electronics.

Newton Library has children's area that has cushions to sit on, a small table and nearby shelf with a number of picture books. Next to it are ordinary library shelves filled with books for slightly older children with a comic section and as one moves away from the area the shelves content ages up to the teenage/youth section before becoming the fiction section. Website mentions toys than can be borrowed availible at another location. Section is fairly detailed and regualar story-telling sessions are scheduled.

One of the shelves leading to the ordinary fiction collection is the Teenage/Youth collection. This sections feature increasingly lengthier and more complex works. Like the childrens section has comic section as well as audiovisiual materials.

Fiction is the largest section of the library and the most detailed with a large number of books by a great deal of authors. Can be searched and reviewed by online library tools mention above. DVD's and comics also present here. This section is probably the largest as the most interesting to the client base. On a related note Newtown library hosts a computer skills group to teach adults computer literacy.

The reference section is miniscule. Near computers and tables and opposite magazines.

Local studies information is not available at the library but the links to find it are available on the library website. Government supported and provides information of the buildings where records can be obtained.

Little 2.0 as a branch library and not that large. It is for these reasons I assume that the reference section is so small and that it uses so little 2.0 system. I believe the only reason it uses any 2.0 is part of standardisation within the city of sydney library user system as most of the 2.0 features are part of an interlibrary catelogue. It is for these reasons I believe these are the reasons Newtown library uses a limited amount of library 2.0 technology.

Exercise 9: Community Profile of Marrickville

http://www.marrickville.nsw.gov.au/ - This is the website of the Marrickville Council. It includes the suburb of Enmore which is where I live.

http://www.marrickville.nsw.gov.au/library.html?s=2137852207 - This the website of the various public libraries that are run by the Marrickville Council.

Marrickville area contains 71,812 resides with 36,308 females and 35,504 males.

Marrickville has below average residents per building count by Sydney standards.

Average resident 35 years of age which is normal for sydney. However it has fewer young people (5-19) than is common for sydney.  The average residents income is higher than the average sydney residents income, with individuals earnig $150 more on average while families earn $110 more that average. The average rent rates are the same as the rest of sydney while the Mortgages are $150 higher.

The population decreased by 1.8% between 2001 and 2006. During this time period the number of 15-29 and 60-89's year olds declined while the number of 0-4 year olds, 35-39 year olds and 55-59 year olds increased.

In 2006 Generation X, was the largest generation consisting of 33% of of the population of Marrickville. Generation Y made up 24% of the population and was the second largest group consisting of 16,004 individuals. Meanwhile Baby-boomersm made up the third largest generation in 2006 with 13,288 residents (20% of the population)

Because of this Marrickville should aim itself at middle aged (35-39) and 55-59 year olds with consideration for the very young (0-4) and senior citizens. As there are slightly more women than men attention to be focused on providing works interesting to women.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Exercise 8: Cureent Awareness


This seems like a very efficient system that should make finding books easier for library clients. If the books stored in the ABDS are kept in airtight containers they will probably last longer too.

The only major problem I can see is that this system limits the amount of books that can be removed at a time, which may result in crowding.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Exercise 7: Podcasts

Below is a link to the video podcast from the library of sydney. This podcast is about an early map of Australia made by an explorer named Tasman with the podcast itself being called "Tasman Map".

Sunday 20 May 2012

Exercise 6: Social Bookmarking

I believe that allow library users to rate and review books is useful idea. It allows other users of the library to find out what other people think of particularly books and use this as effective bottom-up way of evaluating item quality and provides a way of seeing if other library users are interested in the item.

I believe it is in the best interest of libraries to make this tool available because of the great benefits it provides to their clients.

My local library uses this service to a limited extent. Library users can review book and search by review but reviews are otherwise not automatically displayed.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Exercise 5: If you are a Facebook member you might like to join the “Libraries are important” site.

Why Libraries Should choose another formation over social networking sites

I do not believe that engaging in social networking websites is of value to a library. Social networking sites are not a format that is more useful to libraries that a webpage of their own or an account on other websites such as youtube. Being involved on a social networking site does allow members with library cards to be involved with the library that way, but it also opens the doors for the more frivolous silly commends and 'who has the most friends' games that such sites can promote.

The various other formats however allow for equally efficient communication using email without any of the downside. Additionally their layout and content can be customised to a far greater degree that most social networking sites, allowing information to be more readily found and interlinked. While sites like youtube can be useful to helping the library interact with clients, social networking sites do not.

Therefore while involvement with social networking sites can allow libraries to reach clients, I do not view the use of social networking sites as useful strategy as the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Most library clients would not be interested in joining and the promotion of silliness outweighs the benefits of the small scale client-library discourse that may take place.
Exercise 4: Youtube

For this exercise I searched youtube for a entertaining videoclip that provides information about some of the most scenic libraries in the world. I like the way the music works with the pictures. While t he subtitles however are less that optimal the pictures are wonderful.

Saturday 5 May 2012


This my first blog post ever.

I should start by introducing myself. My name is William Killinngly as can be seen. I am interest in a number of things that overlap in the area of worldbuilding which is one of my hobbies and will hopefully will be the topic of this first blog series.

I intend for this series of blogposts to act as Sci-Fi Worldbuilding series titled the Second Fleet which will be inspired by realistic evpsych, transhumanism and realistic biological evolution in place of the usual failures of rubber forehead aliens in the style of Star Wars or Star Strek. This will act as the opposite of Larry Nivens known space which is biologically implausible but pays homage to the laws of physics.

Above: Human Aliens are far less realistic than faster than light travel.

My current plans are to have faster than light travel and set in a distant galaxy utterly out of touch with the rest of the universe to avoid treading on the toes of other science fiction. I will feature non-human aliens inspired by game theory and the "Deadly Probe Hypothesis" instead of other humans with funny foreheads. I will try to play with transhumanism while keeping humanity human so they can be relatable. And as a reaction to science fiction where everyone is white, no-one will be white.

I shall call this setting the "Second Fleet" and will be about the Second Fleet that arrives in isolated Galaxy visited only once before by a first fleet, only to find to the empty ruins built by the first fleet and other things living their.

For my next post I will attempt to construct a plausible human culture that continues to exist when transhumanist and virtual reality are widespread an easy and focus on what a human society with Science Fiction technology would actually looklike.

Hopefully someone will be interested in seeing how this turns out,
William Killingly
Exercise Three


The link above is an image uploaded by the Dublin Public Libraries. It shows what the Rathmines public library looks like and in the description below the picture details it address.

The picture is of a beautiful red brick building with a roof and supports of weather grey stone. It has stone railings on the roof, a pair of classical columns and minor architectural decoration. To show scale there are bicycles chained to the surrounding metal fence and a pedestrian is shown walking by.
Excercise II: Multimedia and Libraries

Nowadays various forms of technology are increasingly interconnected and young people readily use this interconnectivity to change media depending on which format best serves their needs.

A knoweledge of various multimedia formats and their interconnectivity is vital to librarians as it allows them to best supply their clients with information in the largest possible variety of formats.

Transmedia is a related phenomenone where serial works link together their works in various formats. This can range from using mobile phones to vote on reality tv shows and placing move trailers on Youtube , to using the internet to build up interest in the work (e.g. The Dark Knight" virtual easter egg hunt)  having a continous work in multiple formats (e.g. an animated series with comic book parts) or even a wider franchise (e.g. Transformers; Disney).

As such a knowledge of transmedia may be critical for a library worker to help assist clients uncover all the information they are looking for, as the work may be in a different media format than the client expects or the various pieces of the work may each be in a different format.

And if transmedia becomes as prevalent as the following slideshow predicts it will

<div style="width:425px" id="__ss_7192229"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="http://www.slideshare.net/jwtintelligence/f-transmedia-rising-presentationslideshare-version030811" title="Transmedia Rising (March 2011)" target="_blank">Transmedia Rising (March 2011)</a></strong> <iframe src="http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/7192229?rel=0" width="425" height="355" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more presentations from <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/jwtintelligence" target="_blank">JWTIntelligence</a> </div> </div>